Throughout my life, spanning over the last 50 years, a typical day for me consisted of waking up, donning my reliable mechanics uniform, and heading off to work. I've had the privilege of working for others, as well as running my own business for many years. There were moments when I juggled two jobs to support my family, and there were other times when the stress came from managing every aspect of my own business. Regardless of the circumstances, one thing remained constant: my attire, complete with a mechanics uniform and a name badge proudly displaying 'AL' on the front. Steel-toed boots and grease-stained nails were the norm, as I spent countless hours underneath vehicles, diagnosing and resolving issues. When I wasn't crawling beneath cars, I'd have my head buried in the engines, carefully listening to the sounds emanating from within. Friday nights were reserved for fun, as friends and I unwound at the local bar with a few beers. Saturdays meant dinner outings, while Sundays were dedicated to family BBQs and cherished moments with loved ones. Cars consumed my life—racing them, fixing them, showcasing them, and engaging in endless conversations about them. Being a mechanic was not just a job; it was my identity.
However, there was another passion that ran deep within me—my love for nature. I sought solace in its embrace, spending hours exploring its wonders, learning about various plant species, and instilling in my children a reverence for the environment. My wife Leslie and I poured our hearts and souls into creating and maintaining breathtaking gardens, which became our haven of tranquility amid the hustle and bustle of life. Thus, my days were a harmonious blend of mechanical expertise and an intimate connection with the natural world.
But now, I find myself in a new chapter—an adventure called retirement. After years of hard work, I have bid farewell to my previous life and embraced the possibilities that lie ahead. Cars still hold a special place in my heart, and I continue to revel in the joy of driving and participating in car shows. Perhaps, in the future, I may even indulge in a race or two. Nature remains a sanctuary for me. I traverse its paths, soaking in its beauty, and enjoy the simple pleasure of Friday happy hours with friends, sipping beers and sharing laughter. BBQs with family and friends are still an important tradition that brings us together.
This new chapter of my life has opened up horizons I never imagined. Each morning, I wake up, savor a cup of coffee, and retreat to my balcony, where I'm greeted by breathtaking views of majestic mountains. Greer, my loyal companion, accompanies me on leisurely walks to the nearby ocean, where we exchange warm greetings with familiar faces along the way. I frequently visit my favorite bar, not only for a refreshing drink but also to nurture the friendships I've cultivated over time. As the sun begins its descent, I settle in, watching the mesmerizing display of lights as darkness sets in and houses illuminate the hillsides like stars.
Even the mundane task of grocery shopping has transformed into an exciting adventure. I immerse myself in the experience, navigating aisles, ordering items in Portuguese, deciphering package labels, and exploring new and exotic fruits and seafood not commonly found in the United States. My days are filled with leisurely strolls along the promenade, catching up with friends over coffee, and observing the people passing by. And every week, I plan and anticipate delightful trips to the mountains, where I indulge in scenic drives, invigorating hikes, and moments of serenity near cascading waterfalls. Most importantly, these experiences are shared with loved ones, as we continue to learn, grow, and create unforgettable memories together.
Reflecting on my life's journey, I can't help but realize how long I waited to embrace this new way of living. The truth is, I had the means and the ability to do it all along. Looking back, I wonder how different life could have been if, when my children were young, we had packed them up and off on this adventure together. Nonetheless, I'm grateful for the richness and fullness of the life I've lived so far. I am truly blessed beyond measure to have the opportunity to live this life, and it serves as a reminder that regardless of age, anyone can create their own adventure. We need not conform to societal norms or expectations. Life is short, and it's essential to savor every moment, embracing the extraordinary in the ordinary. We should have done this sooner.
Thanks for sharing Alan. You have worked hard in a part of the automotive field you enjoy. and yet it sounds like you also took the time to 'smell the roses'. That's an important balance.
Cars have been an interest of mine as well. I understand the Bug is your beloved machine. Mine was a '68 Corvair. All stock from the factory with all matching numbers. I sold it for a reason that I tell few. I miss it so. God willing, when we meet in May, we can talk a little about cars.
i am happy that you have been blessed with the opportunity to be with your family in Madeira. You guys turned your "It'll Be Fun" into…